Weight Goal


Wednesday this week I turn 40. There are some pretty amazing things going on in my life. I have two healthy and (mostly) happy boys, and two healthy and (mostly) happy step boys. I have three great dogs. I have a job that I enjoy (the commute, not so much). I have the most amazing husband who supports me and makes me feel like the most important thing in the world. I feel pretty strong and I am really excited about training for my 3rd Ironman, Boulder on August 2. The one thing I really want to do is slim down a little.

If you know me, you may think this is crazy. I am that unhappy with how I look; but I think there is room for improvement and it will be helpful on race day. So, I am putting it out there. Making my goal public. I need help staying accountable for this one because it is going to take a lot of discipline and planning. By race day I would like to have been maintaining a weight of 125 for 4 weeks. That means I should be 125 by the Fourth of July (nice easy date to shoot for). I am starting at 135.7 pounds. I am going to try and use My Fitness Pal linked with my Garmin Connect account to help keep track of what I eat and how many calories I burn. My plan for food is to try and eat more whole foods, less processed foods, and drink more water. No crazy dieting here; just smart eating.

I am giving myself until Monday 3/16 to get started. This week is my birthday and I plan on enjoying it! Wish me luck!


  1. Good Luck!! We sure do have a lot in common…IM Boulder, Legend Tri, and…the same birthday week!! When is your big day? Mine is Thursday πŸ˜‰

  2. Happy birthday week!! Funny, I totally identify with this post. I just turned 40,,, I currently weigh the same as you and have the same goal! I would be happy at 127 lbs though. That is what I weighed at my first (and best) Ironman. Good luck!! Feel free to message me for support!! πŸ˜‰ I may need your support more! I am also using the same approach… not dieting, just clean eating!! πŸ™‚ Let’s do this!!!

    1. I was thinking about this more today and if I really want to get to Kona one day (hopefully in the next 5 years) I feel that I will need to work on things like this! Let’s get it done sister!

  3. wooooo boy, i see lots of pictures of you, and you are BEAUTIFUL. You’re so smiley and happy and you look great. Don’t be unhappy with how you look! Easier said than done, I get it, I’m a girl, I feel the same way about myself!
    Keep training hard, eat less junk, that’s all you have to do!

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